Your child is about to begin (or has just begun) attending a large secondary school. It is the start of a whole new adventure for both of you that will bring with it a lot of different emotions.

An adjustment for everyone

This is most likely an important time for your child, and they may be restless or perhaps even slightly anxious. Don’t worry! This is normal and everything will fall into place in the first weeks.

For some, it may take a little longer to adapt … You have to give them time to get accustomed to their new environment.

Each young person evolves at their own rhythm, according to what he knows about himself, his interests, his values and according to what he knows about school and the labor market.

The information presented in this section is for informational purposes only. Sometimes young people already know themselves very well and know exactly what they want to do in the future, while for others, the process is slower and the decision can be made much later.

Don’t be too concerned. Follow your child’s lead while encouraging him with the help of the advice you will find in this site…

This transition can prove to be more difficult for some students with special needs (attention deficit disorders, academic difficulties, etc.). If this is the case, we invite you to visit the Special needs.

section of this website to help support them with these different issues. You are also invited to browse the different sections on the left of your screen to better support your child with their development.